A European Network to Coordinate the Integration of Materials Modeling Activities in Europe and Support Industrial Uptake
Modelling is regarded as one of the key pillars underpinning the development of new materials and products that respond to societal needs and challenges and ensure competitiveness of European industry in the 21st century. In order to integrate and coordinate their activities, a wide range of European stakeholders including manufacturing industry, software owners and academic modellers formed the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC) in 2014 as a bottom-up activity.
Now, in recognition of the importance of materials modelling for industrial innovation and the strength of Europe in this field, a new Horizon 2020 project has been funded. The European Materials Modelling Council Coordination and Support Action (EMMC-CSA) (Grant Agreement No. 723867) includes 15 partners (as shown below) and is coordinated by TU Wien.
EMMC-CSA stems directly out of the actions of the EMMC. It will continue and build upon its existing activities and charters and maintain and strengthen the EMMC as a bottom up action open to all stakeholders. The project will organise EMMC workshops and enable all stakeholders to give their input on the future materials modelling.
The kick-off meeting of the EMMC-CSA was hosted by Fraunhofer IWM in the Fraunhofer office in Brussel on 26th and 27th of September 2016.
www.emmc.info EC-Grant agreement: 723867 Project acronym: EMMC-CSA Coordinator: Nadja Adamovic, TU Wien (AT) Email: nadja.adamovic@tuwien.ac.at

Attachment: European Materials Modelling Council