Materials Design, Inc. is honored to announce that the LAMMPS molecular dynamics code developed at Sandia National Laboratories is one of the 100 R&D100 winners for 2018! The ceremony was held in Orlando, FL on November 16th 2018.
LAMMPS is the industry's leading molecular dynamics modeling and simulation code designed to run on large-scale high-performance computing systems. Core LAMMPS developers are Steve Plimpton and Aidan Thompson from Sandia National Laboratories and Axel Kohlmeyer from Temple University. Materials Design, Inc, together with Intel Corporation and Northwestern University, is acknowledged as co-developers of LAMMPS.
The R&D 100 Awards are an international competition that recognizes 100 of the most significant innovations in science and technology from the past year. R&D 100 Awards recipients include established Fortune 500 companies and federally funded research institutions, as well as academic and government labs. Their leading products, technologies and services will make a difference in a wide range of industries and together represent a bright future for science and innovation in the years to come.

Materials Design, Inc.'s Head Support Scientist, Dr. Ray Shan, is included in this accolade. As a LAMMPS past, primary developer, he previously held a position at Sandia National Labs in New Mexico for several years, working alongside Steve Plimpton and Aidan Thompson in developing and maintaining the LAMMPS molecular dynamics code. Dr. Shan is a regular contributor to the LAMMPS community, is an experienced forcefields developer for a variety of challenging applications, and has published widely on forcefield development. Dr. Shan is also a major contributor to the Materials Design module, MedeA LAMMPS, and the MedeA LAMMPS GUI, which are part of the MedeA Environment, that harnesses the power of LAMMPS by providing flexible calculation setup and analysis capabilities. Materials Design, Inc. is proud to have him on our team and we congratulate him on this award.