Software Releases
Materials Design offers our diverse clients the tools they need to stay at the top of their respective fields. MedeA is a leading atomistic simulation software package that brings together what you need in a user-friendly environment.
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Software Releases
MedeA  3.7    April 2023 
Description of MedeA  3.7 New Features and Enhancements  
The MedeA 3.7.0 release provides new capabilities for vibrational analysis based on molecular dynamics trajectories, updated VASP executables (6.4.1) with full integrated MedeA support, extensive enhancements in Machine Learning based simulation, and a broad array of general improvements to the entire MedeA environment.
An overview of updates in this MedeA release is provided below.
Builders and Editors:
Additional capability to select complete molecules through the "extend selection" option
Targeted performance enhancements for large number of atoms
Enhancements for editing subset coloring
Enhancements for subset splitting capabilities
Enhancement in the Subset Overview panel
Addition of an elements option to the attach fragments functionality
Enhancements for controlling the conversion extent
Enhancements for import of structures in extended xyz format
Enhancements for import of large PDB structures
Gnuplot update (5.4.6)
New functionality for the deletion of overlapping atoms in a defined selection
Enhancements in handling of mesoscale structures in the supercell builder
Enhancements for Interface builder
Three additional popular atom color schemes added
VASP 6.4.1 executables with integrated MedeA support (NEW)
Site-specific output of NMR chemical shift data
Addition of chemical shift data and magnetic susceptibility to the workspace
Enhancements for output of EFG, Hyperfine parameters, and Born effective charges
Upgraded POSCAR files containing elements and atom-site correspondence
Return status given in structure lists and trajectories, enabling easy convergence assessment for large datasets
MLFF enhancements:
Enabling MLFF-based forces in trajectories
Creation of a separate MLFF_TrainingSet.sli structure list with significant, ab initio-calculated structures/data (e.g. for further use in machine-learning applications and forcefield fitting)
Addition of Bayesian Error and RMSE Analysis in graphical form for VASP-MLFF
Reduced MLFF OUTCAR data volume via trajectory file frequency for swift post-processing and trajectory creation
LAMMPS 2Jun2022 executables (NEW)
Automatic selection of correct executable for extended GPU support
Addition of Nose-Hoover-Andersen in list of control temperatures in LAMMPS NVT/NPT stages
Enhancements form minimization stage under pressure
Enhancements for restoration of United-Atom hydrogens for carbon atoms of unsaturated hydrocarbons
Several updates/enhancements to GIBBS trajectories and generated structure lists
Enhancement in improper torsions’ input
Extensions for handling and reporting of 1-2/1-3/1-4 interactions in GIBBS
Enhancement for calculating thermodynamic properties for a single temperature in a Thermodynamics stage
Support for ACE MLPs (in LAMMPS, CPU & GPU) (NEW)
Full user control of hyper-parameter convergence tolerance
Checking and recording of status for VASP calculations
Enhancements on data handling
Extensions for tabulated forcefields
Introduction of unique atom types for inorganic sulfate anions
Property modules:
Refined 5 membered rigid rings recognition and contribution in P3C in consultation with Dr. Jozef Bicerano
Updated P3C tab in Molecular Builder for repeat units containing over 100 atoms, allowing application of P3C computation on demand
Enhanced handling of repeat units with common head and tail atoms
Enhanced handling of silane based repeat units
Calculation and graphical presentation of carrier mobility (NEW)
PhononMD: (NEW)
Vibrational density of states and its partial contributions from molecular dynamics velocity autocorrelation functions
Automated plot creation facilitating analysis of results
Vibrational thermodynamic properties such as internal energy, entropy, Helmholtz free energy, and heat capacity
New link in "Help" menu in MedeA that points to the "How to cite" section in the MedeA manual
Downloadable ris/bibtex references for MedeA and MedeA tools/modules
JobServer & TaskServer:
Enhancements for downloading structures from the JS containing spaces in their names
Addition of warnings if GPU requested but not present on the TaskServer
New capability for automated zip file creation and download
MedeA  3.6    December 2022  
Description of MedeA  3.6  New Features and Enhancements  
1. Engines:
Updated VASP executables to version 6.3.2
Full support for reuse of machine-learned forcefields (MLFF) obtained from previous molecular dynamics simulations for other VASP calculations and MedeA modules
Using the VASP GUI, reuse of MLFF descriptions are enabled for:
Single point calculations
Structure optimizations
Molecular dynamics simulations
Electron-phonon coupling
MT - Elastic properties
Property computations added for zone center phonons, work functions, and formation energies
Furthermore, reuse of MLFF descriptions are supported for modules such as
MedeA Phonon
MedeA MT
Enhanced reporting of calculation parameters for meta-GGA functionals
Updated entry field descriptions
Restore from previous job completed by PAW options control
Updated user interface handling for L(S)DA+U parameters
Additional SCF algorithm options supported for SCAN-rvv10
Support for LAMMPS set cell stage remapping of atomic coordinates
Cohesive energy density stage enhanced for certain forcefields
Enhanced trajectory structure naming
Enhanced handling of phase composition in the MedeA interface
IR and Raman spectra reports have been enhanced
2. Property Modules:
Support reuse of machine-learned forcefields from VASP (MLFF) for evaluating
all vibrational properties, such as phonon dispersion and energy density of states,
thermodynamic functions, and non-electronic contributions to IR and Raman spectra
Support for reuse of machine-learned forcefields from VASP (MLFF) to obtain
elastic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties
Supports reuse of machine-learned forcefields from VASP (MLFF) to find
transition states
Re-enabled effective mass calculation from a previous VASP charge density task
​Supports reuse of machine-learned forcefields from VASP (MLFF) for exploring configuration space
Improved handling of the user interface in absence of an active structure
​Updated reporting of query result properties
​Enhanced linkage to surface builder
3. Flowcharts:
Enhanced deformation optimization options for LAMMPS and VASP
Optimized automated Job title handling
Improved user interface support for keyboard short cuts
Enhanced handling of flowchart description editing
Compress layer stage enhancements
General user interface enhancements
New Surface Builder stage
4. Builders and Editors:
Updated Builders & Editors:
Extensive general user interface enhancements and updates
Enhanced support for 4-coordinate pyramidal atoms
General usability enhancements
Substantial subset management enhancements
Thermoset Builder:
Enhancements for multisite systems and reaction probability support
Amorphous Materials Builder:
Updated handling of input systems with active bonds
Improved handling of incorrectly bonded input systems
Surface Builder:
Enhanced control of angular positioning
Enhanced handling of the homepath variable on Windows
5. Forcefields:
Accurate parameters for battery electrolyte systems including organic carbonates
MLPG post-processing enhanced for NNP
MLPG enhanced SNAP hyperparameter optimization
Updated delta learning training set support
Enhanced SNAP .frc file description support
ForceField Optimizer (FFO):
Enhanced reporting for spin polarized training set systems
Enhanced handling of validation set conditions
Improved support for custom MEAM forcefields
Support for tabulated forcefields in LAMMPS
6. Analysis Tools:
Enhanced band structure plots for certain systems
Export Band Structures and Densities of States on Windows:
Enable combined plots for large datasets and systems
Export Phonon Dispersions and Densities of States on Windows:
Enable combined plots for large datasets and systems
Enhanced animations of phonon modes from phonon dispersion plots
Enhanced orbital view
7. Maintenance:
MD Maintenance: updated user interface for usability
8. JobServer & TaskServer:
Improved handling of inaccessible resources
MedeA  3.5    June 2022  
Description of MedeA  3.5  New Features and Enhancements   
1. Flowcharts:
A brand-new flowchart interface with improved ease of use for all flowchart stages
Copy/paste functionality for all flowchart stages
Ability to retrieve flowcharts from VASP runs submitted through the (non-flowchart) VASP interface
A new Interfaces stage
2. Builders and Editors: 
Structure Lists for calculation automation and information management are now available with the standard MedeA Environment
Structure Lists can be directly created from several flowchart stages, such as: '
LAMMPS Deposition
Numerous enhancements for large PDB files
Enhanced connectivity information handling
Added ability to write large PDB files with hybrid36 extension (for systems containing 100,000 atoms or more)
Added ability to read mmCIF files through OpenBabel
2. Engines: 
Full VASP 6.3.1 support via MedeA
On-the-fly machine-learned forcefields (MLFF):
Accelerates ab initio molecular dynamics simulations employing machine learning, massively increasing accessible simulation times
Creates a machine-learned forcefield using ab-initio molecular dynamics trajectories as training set as the simulation proceeds
Continues machine-learned forcefield optimization running additional molecular dynamics simulations (for other systems)
Applies machine-learned forcefield without further running ab-initio simulations
Various improvements and optimizations for non-collinear VASP 6 and 5.4 calculations
Enhanced of parsing efficiency of large OUTCAR files
Further support of MetaGGAs (rSCAN, r2SCAN)
Structure lists (ListOfResults.sli) with final structures and including calculated properties, suitable for forcefield fitting, are now created automatically further enhancing efficiency, analysis, and post-processing options
Updated to the 7Jan22 version
Added support for new packages:
PYTHON: both Linux and Windows, on CPUs and GPUs
SPIN: both Linux and Windows, on CPUs and GPUs
Improved GPU support:
Support for Nvidia GPU cards with compute capabilities from 3.5 to 8.6 on both Linux and Windows
Approximately 40% computation performance improvement for potentials using long-range Coulombic interactions
Use new rigid pcff+ H2O model employing shake (which is now the default) providing superior rdf, and surface tension for water at ambient conditions
3. Forcefields: 
Improved water model    
4. Property modules: 
Structure list (DisplacedStructures.sli) created, suitable for forcefield fitting
Structure list (StrainedStructures.sli) created, suitable for forcefield fitting
Structure list (EnergyProfileStructures.sli) created, suitable for forcefield fitting
MedeA  3.4    December 2021 
Description of MedeA 3.4 
New Features and Enhancements  
1. Updated Builders & Editors
Addition of controls on each system-view window
Easy access to 3D viewing options through the controls on the system-view window
Addition of visual aids / enhancements, such as:
Depth cueing
Control of perspective view
Lighting options
Creation of user-defined profile controlling 3D viewing options
Axes and axes labels and positioning control
Introduction of right panel with "switch" mode for access to multiple panels
Replacement of a number of "floating windows" with right panel (e.g. edit cell/symmetry, supercell builder etc.)
Update of "Docking" tool, including view of energies and ability of selection of any created configuration
Geometric Analysis as a side-panel on the structure-view window (periodic systems)
Several enhancements in the Trajectory animations, including:
Increased rendering speed
Improved efficiency in bond handling
Improved control of viewing (mixed view)
Animation panel on the trajectory animation window
Smart access restriction to trajectories
Structure Lists' animation, including plotting of properties and descriptors that are included / saved therein
2. Engines: ​
Accelerated import for large OUTCAR files created by long molecular dynamics simulation
Calculation of sorption grids within the GCMC computation
Accelerated grid construction
Decrease of JS/TS traffic (streamlined grid transfer)
Automated rebuild of grids if deleted or inappropriate
Increased consistency (grid construction and simulation using a single set of binaries)
3. Forcefields:
Addition of neural network potentials by adding n2p2 to the MLPG
Efficient inclusion of post-DFT approaches by using "Delta learning"
Bond length, bond angle and torsion angle distribution analysis in the MLP data manager
Refined parameters for trialkyl phosphates
4. Property modules:
Enhanced analysis of Infrared and Raman spectra
Specification of experimental conditions (polarized or unpolarized light / monocrystal or polycrystalline sample)
Specification of incident and scattered light orientation and polarization orientation for Raman spectra
Display of Raman cross section or Raman reduced spectra, handle the temperature (Bose) factor
Enhanced analysis of thermodynamic functions
Analysis of contributions of atoms in Cartesian directions to the thermodynamic functions
Analysis of thermal displacements of atoms as a function of temperature
MedeA 3.3 June 2021
1. Builders and Editors:
Edit cell
Added option to switch between standard cell orientation and a preset arbitrary orientation
Supercell builder
Option to rotate to standard orientation (default) or to preserve orientation according to cell construction
Faster re-assignment of atom types (selective reassignment)
Increased the number of sites supported in multi-sites crosslinking
Definition of subsets based on position criteria
Extensions on the ability to transfer subset information upon system editing (copy/paste, merge, create supercells etc)
Additional capability of freezing subsets via the Subset Manager stage
Calculation of bond orders along with bonds
Export to mol2 format for non-periodic and periodic systems
Enhancements to exporting to pdb format
2. Engines:
VASP 6.2.1 executables
Automated procedure to calculate accurate optical spectra including excitonic effects via the Time Evolution approach
Enhanced robustness of energy of formation and optical spectra simulations
Updated to the LAMMPS29Oct20 official stable version
Supports NVIDIA GPUs on Windows
Supports running on OpenMP threads on Linux and Windows
Supports the PLUMED package on Linux
GIBBS 9.7.4
Improved handling of simulation output (configurations in pdb formats)
Extended use of variables as simulation input (ideal gas heat capacity)
Improvements on printed simulations' summary in Job.out
3. Forcefields:
MLP (Machine Learning Potentials)
Access to a variety of published machine learning potentials for use with MedeA LAMMPS
MLPG (Machine Learning Potential Generator)
Generation of machine learning potentials (on Linux and Windows)
Addition of recently published Martini 3 for CG simulations
ForceField Optimizer (FFO)
Enhanced support for fitting force and stress data
Enhanced support for triclinic cells
Improved performance for some forcefield classes
4. Property Modules:
Phonon and MT
Enable automatic evaluation of the energy of formation for the system by MedeA VASP 6, thus providing temperature dependent energy of formation, entropy and free energy of formation
Enable automatic evaluation of the energy of formation by MedeA VASP 6 for initial and final configuration, as well as for all optimized transition states
Various enhancements for performance
Enable automatic evaluation of the energy of formation for the investigated system by MedeA VASP 6
Improvements in the calculation of 4 descriptors (Namide, Nco, Nhb, Nvkh) used in the calculation of Ecoh1 and Ecoh2
MedeA 3.2 7 December 2020
Improvements in structure 3D viewer:
Line antialiasing for high quality cell and line draw views
Updated perspective projection for depth perception
Numerous documentation enhancements, updates, and new tutorials
JobServer job imports have been enhanced
Enhanced graph plot file export functionality
Added property variables for use in Flowcharts
Enhanced labelling
New MSI Phase Diagrams Database providing high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams, and related constitutional data
Builders and Editors
Support crosslinks between multiple types of site
Optional user-controlled connection probabilities
Perform mapping of a coarse-grained onto an atomistic system
Improved algorithm, reducing particles build times for large systems
Automated calculation of energy of formation (VASP 6)
Excitonic effects in optical spectra from the model Bethe-Salpeter approach based on a model dielectric function
Use of ScaLAPACK through the Advanced/Restart tab
Listing of optical functions on a regular wavelengths grid in Job.out
Optical functions output as variables in workspace for use in Flowcharts
Addition of kinetic contribution to the average pressure obtained from molecular dynamics simulations
Distribution analysis available in LAMMPS Analysis
Group analysis available in LAMMPS Analysis
Pair Correlation analysis available in LAMMPS Analysis
Enable the use of mesoscale forcefields (including MARTINI and SPICA)
Enable the use of EAM forcefields - allowing simulation of e.g. hydride formation
Use of 1-2/1-3/1-4 interactions as defined in the forcefield file (frc)
Updated version from Professor Jimmy Stewart
Property Modules
MedeA QT:
New QT version: v1.2.31 on linux and v1.2.30 on windows
Interactive correlation plot updates
Residuals plot for all correlations
All items on the Edit menu are disabled for the Models tab
Green check marks and gray hint boxes are restored on column menus for the Training Set tab
Plot menu items no longer appear on column menus for the Training Set tab
Plot menu items are enabled only for "Model N" columns on the Models tab
Additional logging capabilities have also been incorporated
MedeA Phonon:
Enable graphical display of thermodynamic functions, vibrational and electronic occupation contributions
Updated support for valence forcefields with LAMMPS
MedeA MT:
Enable graphical display of thermodynamic functions
PCFF+: Forcefield extensions based on validated analysis for:
Extensions for ketones
Enhanced atom typing rules for selected systems
Added GAFF (General AMBER forcefield, for organic molecules)
Added ReaxFF/CHONFClSi.frc
Updated MEAM descriptions
Analysis Tools:
New GUI for assembling and plotting thermodynamic functions (from Phonon and MT)
Additional handling of trajectory animations
Automated video creation for animations
Fine control over frame selection for animations
MedeA 3.1 30 June 2020
MedeA 3.1 features:
VASP 6 with a dedicated GUI
A mesoscale builder for creation of coarse-grained molecules
Extensions to builders for handling coarse-grained systems (polymer builder, amorphous materials builder and thermoset builder)
Flowchart support for mechanical modification of arbitrary systems through the Deformation module
The direct simulation of emissivity
The ability to start GIBBS Monte Carlo simulations from existing configurations
Numerous PCFF+ forcefield enhancements
Support for the latest version of LAMMPS
A streamlined installation and administration interface
The UNIFAC correlative simulation method
A diverse array of high throughput simulation environment updates
Numerous enhancements throughout MedeA's infrastructure support the key themes of this release: accuracy and realism
Description of MedeA 3.1 new features and enhancements
Builders and Editors
Mesoscale Builder: NEW builder for building coarse-grained molecules, using pre-defined beads or introducing new types of beads
Polymer Builder: ability to build coarse-grained polymers
Amorphous Builder: ability to build coarse-grained systems
Thermoset Builder: ability to build coarse-grained thermosets
VASP 5.4.4 and VASP 6.1.1 executables
Dedicated VASP 6 GUI enabling easy access to newly implemented functionality of VASP 6.1.1 as listed below
Space-time based approach for the calculation of polarizibility, providing essentially cubic rather than quartic scaling with system size, facilitating the study of larger systems
Accurate energy, forces and phonon modes from adiabatic connection applying the space-time algorithm (Low Scaling ACFDT/RPA)
Automatic optimization of atom position on the ACFDT/RPA level of theory applying the space-time algorithm
Accurate energy from Moeller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2)
Dielectric-dependent hybrid functionals (DDH/DSH)
Electron-phonon interaction from full Monte-Carlo sampling of displacements or a single-configuration (Zacharias-Giustino approach)
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)
GUI access for applying electric fields
Enhancements for NMR calculations
LAMMPS 3-March 2020
Several enhancements on existing functionality
Additional LAMMPS packages included in the build (LATTE, USER-COLVARS)
Support for NVIDIA GPUs up to compute capabilities of 7.0
GIBBS 9.7.3
Ability to start a single-phase simulation from a pre-built initial configuration
Extended, and fully automated, Pivot move control
Property Modules
Brand new Deformation Module to apply systematic stresses and strains to atomic models in a defined manner
Molecular Descriptors: addition of new molecular descriptors facilitating correlative model creation
Brand new UNIFAC capability for vapor−liquid equilibria simulation based on correlations
Extension of nonbond interactions in frc files to handle defined pair-interactions instead of using mixing rule (LAMMPS)
New Mesoscale Forcefields:
pcff+ : Forcefield extensions for:
Optimized parameters for Ba (based on BaCO3)
New parameters for divalent Mg and Sr cations
Improved parameterization of urea
Extensions for -OCH3 terminated oligo-ethyleneglycols
Combination of Morse Forcefield with Streitz-Mintmire charge equilibration
Subset Manager stage: providing the ability to create a subset in a flowchart
Flowchart Library: several updates to existing flowcharts and addition of new flowcharts
Analysis Tools:
Optical Spectra:
Display of blackbody radiation as a function of frequency
Spectral emissivity
Total emissivity as a function of temperature
CIE 1931 and 1964 color spaces upon reflection and transmission, now both for spectral power distribution of Standard Illuminant D65 and of fluorescent lamp FL2
MedeA's JobServer & TaskServer & Maintenance:
Update of maintenance program (efficiency and robustness improvements)
Ability to install fully from command line
MedeA 3.10 December 2024
An overview of updates in this MedeA release is provided below.
1. Builders and Editors:
Building and editing periodic structures:
Create non-collinear magnetic structures with spin vectors assigned to atoms
Switch between collinear (scalar) and non-collinear (spin vector) magnetic structures and vice versa in the Edit Atom tab of the Edit structure... menu
Automatically initialize non-collinear magnetic moments upon switching to non-collinearity
Edit non-collinear magnetic moments (spin vectors) in the Edit Atom tab of the Edit structure... menu or the Atoms spreadsheet
Process non-collinear magnetic structures in MedeA's Builders and Editors
Handle non-collinear magnetic moments to initialize non-collinear and spin-orbit magnetic VASP calculations
Polymer builder:
Enhancement for repeat units' recognition
Enhancement for retrieving build cycle trajectories
Amorphous Materials builder:
Added ability to use a custom forcefield and ship it to the Job Server to be used, even if no other stage is present in the flowchart
New "Append to list" stage
Enhanced user interface for the creation and use of pair/triplet/quadruplet subsets
Enhancements in the visualization of pair subsets
Extension of operations in the Subset Manager (combine subsets)
Enhancements for the use of variables to define subsets in "For" loops
Extensions for the creation of supercells in Flowcharts
Enhancement for ring catenation checks
Enhancement for speed-up of duplicate checking when importing lists in the Fitting Data Manager
Random Substitution:
Enhancement for use of isotopes
Enhancements for sorting of columns in the Atoms spreadsheet
Extended information provided when Forcefield Optimizer is used with a forcefield which contains "bond-increments" for the charge assignments
Microstructure Builder:
Enhanced printing of information, help messages and warnings
Added support for space group Pn as an alias for P1n1
2. Databases:
Enhanced space group handling for ICSD
New Polymer Expert databases
3. Compute Engines:
Initialize non-collinear magnetic moments from non-collinear magnetic initial structures when running non-collinear or spin-orbit magnetic calculations
Run automatically non-collinear magnetic calculations for non-collinear magnetic initial structures, if Magnetism is set to "Defined by model"
Addition of an approach to constrain non-collinear magnetic moments via a penalty contribution to the total energy and Hamiltonian, including an automatic stepwise increase of the weight of the penalty terms to converge the total energy of the constrained magnetic structure
Addition to structure optimizations in VASP 6: Enable selective optimization of cell vectors that are orthogonal to all other cell vectors
Extension to density of states calculations: enable l,m-projected partial density of states with respect to the Cartesian coordinate system for each individual atom
Enhancement to VASP 5 user interface for restoring options from VASP 6 jobs
User interface enhancement for setting per-site potentials
Enabled choice for the number of grid points for all optical spectra techniques (including TD-DFT, GW, time evolution approach etc.)
Enhancement to VASP GPU executables for performance on a wide range of hardware components
Access to legacy potentials
Default potentials version set to 6.4
New PhaseField module:
Evolves a microstructure in either 2D or 3D over seconds, days, or years using phase field equations.
Enables the simulation of multiple phases and grains of phases thanks to efficient parallelization.
Implements mechano-elastic effects when phases grow or shrink.
Allows the setting of bulk diffusion for every phase and grain-boundary diffusion at the interfaces for the diffusing species.
Uses a robust and efficient finite-element framework with adaptive meshing and adaptive time stepping for optimal performance and high numerical stability and accuracy.
Supports periodic boundary conditions as well as the presence of free surfaces with custom constraints.
Provides several initial scenarios to simulate different microstructure problems, e.g., tessellated grain structures (periodic or columnar), small, nucleated particles, or perturbed fields to model spinodal decomposition.
Uses the MedeA task server and job server and is fully integrated into the MedeA platform, leveraging the calculation of materials properties from first principles and atomistic simulations within the same computational environment.
New LAMMPS 17Apr2024 binaries
Enhancements for speed-up of large input file generation
Enhancements when adding analysis items in a LAMMPS stage with existing analyses present
New LAMMPS on-the-fly analysis of the radius of gyration (Rg) in the LAMMPS NVT, NPT and NVE stages
Enhancements in Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity when the Mueller-Plathe method is used, to assist with the selection of number of layers
Updated long-range electrostatics methods in flowcharts in the flowchart library to PPPM
Extend reporting associated with attempts to perform NPT simulations on systems with fixed atoms
Unified GPU support for Windows
Enhancement for update of atoms to be excluded from the energy grid computation in a sorption simulation
Setting increased tolerance for rigid molecules
New MOPAC TS flowchart added to the flowchart library
4. Forcefields:
Set Forcefield stage:
Added ability to use a variable for the forcefield file name
Refinement for formic acid (new atom type)
Minor adjustment of phenyl-sulfonate bond increment
Addition of missing bond increment for hydroxylated alumina O-H bonds
Addition of missing bond increment for cp - n_4c atom types
Minor adjustment of charges on the carbonate anion
Improved reporting during generation of ACE potentials
Addition of optimal design analysis function for the Fitting Data Manager
Added fitting training sets as a choice to initialize structure lists
Enhancements in the Analysis user interface
Extensions to handle cases when charges are defined and an MLP is being used
Extensions for reporting on the quality of fitting datasets
Addition of a machine-learned potential (MLP) in the ForceFields library which allows for prediction of phase diagrams for Si/O phases
Display of the active forcefield in Job.out, if there is a flowchart stage requiring the use of a forcefield.
Added reporting forcefield version number in Job.out (except for EAM and ReaxFF forcefields)
5. Property Modules: ​​
Polymer Expert:
Enhancement for speed-up of writing a structure list file using Polymer Expert in a flowchart stage
Addition of synthesis difficulty score (SD-Score) information to the Polymer Expert output, allowing users to select repeat units on the basis of synthetic accessibility
The Polymer Expert Analog Repeat-unit Library (PEARL) database has been extended to include over 3 million entries, enhancing the ability of Polymer Expert to identify polymers based on desired properties.
Enhancement for cases where the guest molecule does not have a forcefield assigned
6. Analysis:
New Structural Analysis with additional functionality and extensions for also treating structure lists and trajectories, including the ability to save and reuse an analysis protocol
New summary/monitoring plots in the job (accessible from the JobServer) for different types of jobs (e.g. LAMMPS, GIBBS, MLPG) with export options
Enhancement for plots printed after job and analysis completion (on Windows)
Updated Phonon Dispersion plot tool
Customize plot style (line type, line width, symbol, symbol size)
Add/modify legend
support for Greek characters
Added structure name to plot title
Added k-point and frequency to plot animation window title
Updated Band Structure plot tool
Customize plot style (line type, line width, symbol, symbol size)
Add/modify legend
support for Greek characters
Display site and orbital projections (so-called fat bands)
Scale projections by symbol size and/or color
Define color scheme and symbol type
Updated Density of States plot tool to display l,m-projections for each individual atom. This includes the following projections with respect to the Cartesian coordinate system:
px, py, and pz projections
dxy, dyz, dz2, dxz, and dx2-y2 projections
fy3x2, fxyz, fyz2, fz3, fxz2, fzx2, and fx3 projections
Enhancements for Fermi surface rendering
7. JobServer & TaskServer & Maintenance & Infrastructure:
Improved handling of task termination in asynchronous mode
Extension to allow user ids (for JobServer/TaskServer encrypted connection) to contain "." characters
Updated Linux post-install for LAMMPS symlink creation
Updated Open MPI to 20240725
Addition of an editable option to set JobServer timeout (default 10 sec)
Speed-up for software update from ISO
MedeA 3.9 May 2024
Description of MedeA 3.9 New Features and Enhancements
1. Builders and Editors:
Enhancements in exporting SVG files
OpenBabel update
Amorphous Materials Builder:
Improved handling of removed components
New compress layer functionality for quick and robust use, interactively and in a flowchart, for building layers at the desired density
Updates to trajectories handling
Extended Stack Layers builder to allow for stacking triclinic cells
Ability to create repeat units from SMILES
Enhancements for mass criterion when creating Subsets
Microstructure builder:
Weighted seed & growth to create grains of different volume distributions
Option to create columnar slab geometries and rotations around z-axis only
Flowchart stage for builder to be used in a flowchart
2. Engines:
Update to the latest release VASP 6.4.3 with many enhancements and bug fixes
New OpenACC-based GPU version which now supports all features of the CPU version
Added support for new VASP 64 potentials. Users can choose their own default and switch easily between 54 and 64 potentials
Added support for the revPBE density functional from the user interface
Added support for further Van der Waals density functionals from the user interface: vdW-DF-cx, rVV10, r2SCAN+rVV10, PBE+rVV10L
Added support for further meta-GGA functionals from the user interface: SCAN-L, rSCAN-L, r2SCAN-L, v1-sregTM, v2-sregTM, v3-sregTM, v2-sregTM-L, OFR2, local MBJLDA
Added support for further hybrid functionals from the user interface: HSE03, HSEsol, RSHXLDA, RSHXPBE, SCAN0
Added support for the van der Waals corrections Many-body dispersion energy /FI and DFT-ulg from the user interface
Davidson optimization algorithm (non-blocked) available for all simulations
CSVR thermostat for canonical (nVT) ensemble
Enhancements for MLFF Molecular Dynamics simulations and trajectory handling
Substantial speed-up of post-processing of Molecular Dynamics runs
NMR Calculation enhancements: vGv approximation for evaluating the magnetic susceptibility
Enhancements in NPT, Minimize and Compress Layer stages to allow for the use of variables
Several enhancements for GIBBS trajectories and structure list
Enhancements for Sorption stage
3. Forcefields:
Added ZBL parameters to SNAP MLPs
New MLP type supported: ACE (New)
Fitting Data manager enhancements
Enhancements to forces' charts
Ability to use variables for hyperparameters
VOTCA (New): New module for coarse-grained forcefield creation from atomistic simulation input (Iterative Boltzmann Inversion and Force Matching methods)
New atom types and parameters for alkyl borates
Refinement for quaternary carbon c0 nonbond parameters
New atom type for alumina and updated for surface atoms
Addition of bond term and bond increment for alpha carbon in carbonates
Enhancements for oxalatoborate anions and new atom types
Added CHONS ReaxFF parameter set (Mattsson et al.)
New torsion terms for use with UFF in LAMMPS
4. Property modules:
Improvements to message handling, initial and final structure reporting, and checks for the number of requested structures
Enhancements for Optimization stage
Enhancements for computation of X3 and X10 descriptors, and perception of ortho/meta geometries
Enhancements for computations using NNP (MLP) forcefields
MD Phonon:
Added Etot_QC, sum of MD total energy and the quantum correction of the vibrational energy
Added Atotal, the total vibrational Helmholtz free energy, which is calculated with Etot_QC - Svib T
Enhanced support of Job restart functionality
Polymer Expert:
Enhanced handling of messages and warnings issued
Enhancement for use of variables to define regions
6. JobServer/TaskServer:
Extended Job submission dialog to include summary regarding the JobServer chosen, the input structure and the active forcefield
Extended Job submission dialog to include Queuing System options
Extended TaskServer for GPU device selection
Enhanced database performance
MedeA 3.8 December 2023
Description of MedeA 3.8 New Features and Enhancements
1. Builders and Editors:
Microstructure Builder (New)
The MedeA Microstructure Builder creates microstructure models for atomistic simulations using a Seed & Growth algorithm with starting points either placed randomly or at user-specified coordinates within a supercell. Each such point is used as an origin to grow a crystalline grain by adding atoms from that seed point outwards until a grain boundary is encountered.
The models created by the MedeA Microstructure Builder can be used with other MedeA tools to explore microcrystalline materials' structural, energetic, and dynamic characteristics.
Enhancements for exporting structures to extxyz
Enhancements for bond computation
Enhancements for assigning element colors
Addition of the ability to use a variable for density in the amorphous builder stage
Added an automated orthorhombic construction mode to the Supercell Builder
2. Engines:
Update to latest VASP 6.4.2 executables for Linux and Windows
All combinations of constraints for atom positions, cell volume and shape are enabled for structure optimization
Added user interface support for many molecular dynamics features through (thermostats, constraints, monitoring)
Added support for isoenthalpic isobaric (nPH) ensemble
Added ability to refit machine-learned forcefields
New user interface for fine-tuning and optimizing the process for on-the-fly machine learning and refitting of forcefields.
Faster loading of machine-learned forcefields
Update of automatically produced plots (post-processing)
Addition of an option for writing a trajectory in native LAMMPS format
Addition of warning if there are frozen atoms during an NPT run
GIBBS 9.7.8 executables for Linux and Windows
Optimization of transition states accessible in flowcharts
3. Forcefields:
Enhancement to allow for manual assignment of structures to training/validation sets
Addition of "Coordinates" property when importing into the Fitting Data Manager
Enhancements on forcefields handing in FFO
Refined nonbond parameters for carbon in acetal groups
4. Property modules:
Polymer Expert (New)
Polymer Expert is a new module in the MedeA Environment in MedeA 3.8. The innovative Polymer Expert capability facilitates de novo polymer design through high-efficiency access to a substantial (>1.1 million entries) database of polymer properties, PEARL (Polymer Expert Analog Repeat unit Library). Polymer Expert allows you to identify novel polymers by querying the PEARL database based on properties and property ranges. You can also search for biologically derivable analogs within the PEARL database. Polymer Expert was developed in collaboration with Jozef Bicerano, the author of Prediction of Polymer Properties, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2002) and is described in the paper: J. Bicerano, D. Rigby, C. Freeman, B. Leblanc, and J. Aubry, Polymer Expert - A Software Tool for De Novo Polymer Design, 2023 (submitted for publication).
In consultation with Jozef Bicerano, various upgrades to P3C have been made, extending and adding correlations, allowing MedeA P3C to report polymer properties for larger systems and presenting results to users in an improved and more intuitive manner.
Enhancements for subsets used in deposition
Faster loading of machine-learned forcefields
Output enhancements
5. Analysis:
Enhancement for pair correlation panel
6. Infrastructure:
Addition of the MedeA Python environment
Update of IntelMPI to the 2019 version on Linux
MedeA 3.0 31 October 2019
MedeA 3.0 features:
A complete user interface (UI) refresh with updated icons, improved user experience with responsive dialogs, and enhanced operating system compliance on both Windows and Linux improving usability and enabling users to conduct cutting edge research with maximal efficiency,
Builder capability extensions - facilitating the creation of complex crystalline and amorphous systems,
A new module (Molecular Descriptors) - providing easy access to numerous topological and geometrical descriptors, in High-Throughput mode,
Updates to the MedeA Forcefield library with new forcefield types and parameter sets and extensions broadening coverage and improving simulation accuracy,
Use of reactive forcefields to simulate deposition and etching processes,
Calculation and Analysis extensions for Optical Spectra - providing the ability to predict colors of metals
Description of MedeA 3.0 new features and enhancements
New GUI theme, identical on Linux and Windows
Enhanced high resolution and multi-screen support
Full compatibility with previous MedeA releases
Extensive and intensive documentation upgrades and updates
Visualization: new options for lighting
Builders and Editors
MedeA's Molecular and Crystal Builders:
Fragments attachment (e.g. for passivation of a surface)
MedeA Amorphous Materials Builder:
Coarse-grained systems support (use mass from forcefield file)
Updated orientation biasing for oriented film construction
Provision of both saved specific and immediate build options
Updated work function results handling in Flowcharts
Enhanced support for optical spectra and color prediction
Drude conductivity for optical properties of metals
Automatic use of suitably fine energy grids for optical spectra calculations
Improvements for switching between 3D and 2D periodicity
Default variables in all LAMMPS stages
Added support on NVIDIA GPUs
Complete final system update via .sci file
Custom stage for fully customized MOPAC simulations
Extra Input enabled for all MOPAC flowchart stages
Property Modules
MedeA Electronics
Access to the energy increment for numerical integration from the GUI of MedeA Electronics to fine-tune transport properties
Automated positioning of the Fermi level into the center of the gap for the derivation of transport properties
Additional transport functions: electronic fitness functions, inverse transport effective masses
MedeA QT
Complete handling of datasets with non-existing descriptors
Updated multi-row selection and editing capabilities
MedeA Deposition
Ability to use reactive forcefields to simulate deposition and etching processes
MedeA ForceField Optimizer (FFO)
Added support for ReaxFF potential
Improvements for Tersoff potential optimization
MedeA HT-Descriptors (New)
HT-Descriptors for molecular species can now be easily calculated for the members of a structure list and used in creating QSPR/QSAR correlations, using MedeA QT.
pcff+ : Forcefield extensions for:
Carboxylic esters
cloro/fluoro hydrocarbons (HCFCs)
graphene oxide
silica-siloxane interfacial regions
TraPPE-UA+: Forcefield extensions for:
cyclic hydrocarbons
MedeA COMB3 & MedeA ReaxFF: addition of descriptions and parameters
Analysis Tools
MedeA's Optical Spectra
Automatic differentiation between optical properties of metals and semiconductors/insulators, as identified by VASP post-processing
Automatically retain the Drude conductivity from VASP post-processing
Automatically add Drude term for metallic systems, making use of the default Drude conductivity as calculated by VASP
Added transmission coefficient as a function of wave length and slab thickness
Attenuation and absorption coefficient
Enable customization of energy/wavelengths units
Visual color prediction upon reflection and transmission, for direction dependent optically anisotropic materials
CIE 1931 and 1964 color spaces upon reflection and transmission (direction dependent in case of optical anisotropy)
MedeA's JobServer & TaskServer
Enhanced MedeA JobServer performance (asynchronous, non blocking mode)
Extensions for HTTPS support
MedeA 2.22.6 5 December 2018
1. LAMMPS deposition module
MedeA 2.22.5 12 November 2018
1. MedeA-QT available for Windows and Linux
2. MedeA-Phonon:
- Thermodynamic functions available as variables from the Phonon stage
3. MedeA-MT:
- Thermal expansion: Grueneisen parameter calculated from elastic moduli according to Sanditov et al.
- Option to control large files
4. Various fixes and enhancements
MedeA 2.22.4 11 May 2018​
1. Permit installation into directory containing spaces in path
MedeA 2.22.3 19 Apr 2018
1. Gibbs:
- extension of sorption stages to use "active system" for the solid
- addition of final structure files (sci) for all GIBBS stages (including predefined subsets)
2. JobServer:
- increase robustness during start
3. TaskServer:
- added/extended options on how to control computing resources
- catch and edge case when terminating task
5. Electronic Transport:
- proper scaling for Seebeck tensor
MedeA 2.22.2 30 Mar 2018
- improvements on handling of the number of processors
- addition of fix for image flags (cell offsets)
- QEq options for COMB3, ReaXFF and EAM/Coul
- fix for atomtypes ending with an apostrophe
- sorbent set from active system
- additional printable variables for sorption stages
4. VASP:
- enable additional input files or replacements for standard input files
- post-processing enhancements
5. Thermoset Builder:
- additional printable variables
- support of spaces in crosslink subset names
6. Forcefields:
- added hybrid ReaxFF/ZBL forcefield type
7. TaskServer:
- several improvements in the handling of tasks