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Computational Metallurgy: Grain Boundaries, Diffusion, and Surface Reactivity
Presented by Erich Wimmer
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Atomic-scale simulations provide unique insight and property data, which are critical for understanding and solving metallurgical problems. To this end, the MedeA software environment is built on leading computational approaches including VASP and LAMMPS, which are fully integrated together with comprehensive structural databases and a range of tools for constructing and analyzing atomistic models. An important feature is the ability to perform such calculations in high-throughput mode.
Erich Wimmer demonstrates the power of these capabilities for
(i) the effect of alloying elements and impurities on the strength of grain boundaries
(ii) the prediction of mechanical properties
(iii) the diffusion of hydrogen in metals
(iv) the nucleation of dislocation loops, and
(v) molecular reactions on metal surfaces.